Our secondary students have worked hard to create two fine exhibitions on World War II and Shakespeare. The following pictures are samples of their efforts during this academic year 2017-18. WORLD WAR II World War II was a terrible conflict which lasted for six years, from September 1939 to September 1945. It ended with Germany…
Autor: Víctor Flores
Carnestoltes 2018
Una jornada de màgia, alegria i sobretot de moltes rialles en veure a tots els nostres alumnes des de P3 fins a secundària gaudint d’una desfilada pel pati. Gràcies a tots per ajudar-nos a fer un dia tan especial com el que vàrem viure tots plegats! Totes les fotografies les teniu aquí: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-3D4cX1SjGfpMo_DdObCLDpOIGNN2JGF Recordeu que…
D.E.N.I.P. 2018
Fotos del dia de la Pau: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-v9q-8yOWnHmnVBjuKB3m9trnN1K8CUd?usp=sharing